The purpose will decide the final choice. Bike saddle bags and bike tube bags are small and helpful to store the small things that we carry with us, such as bike tools, keys, etc. Bike handle bags and bike trunk bags are suitable for a long journey.
Make sure bike bags have sufficient space to hold all the things. Many bags will have compartments to separate things in the bag. Usually, big bike bags have inner or outer pockets which are especially for holding small things. For bike transport folding bag, it is practical and big enough to hold a folded bike. The pockets inside or outside the bike transport bag are capable to store small belongings.
Materials: There are some common materials to make bike bags.
1. Polyester Fiber: This is the most common fabric on the market, and many mid-to-low-end tail bags use this material. Generally, there are a variety of colors and fiber quality to choose from. Black is the top choice because of stain-resistant requirements.
We usually use 600D polyester, 820D polyester, 1280D polyester, and 1680D polyester to make different bike bags bearing different weights. This kind of fabric is cheap. Bike bag factories can start production easily without making a new mold. But it has poor water resistance, so it is suitable for less demanding riders.
2. Nylon Material: It is more expensive than polyester fiber but it is also used to make bike bags, especially to make small bike saddle bags and bike tube bags. Nylon material is lighter and production-friendly for sewing. The production speed will be faster than polyester-made bike bags.
3. EVA Foam Plastic: It can be used as the material of the hard shell tail bag. Also, EVA foam plastic can make bike travel bags. There are two or four little wheels under the bag which can be taken easily. The bike bag made in EVA foam plastic can have terrific waterproof surface. It is also a better choice to make a bike phone bag on the handlebar.
It needs bike bag factory to make a new mold first. If it is for bike travel bag. The cost is big which is around USD5000-USD10,000. The shape can not change so we can not fold the bag into your pocket or bike trunk bag.
4. PU leather: Because of its waterproof material, we can use it to make any bags such as bike panniers, bike saddle bags, bike trunk bags, etc. PU leather can not be 100% waterproof. The sewing edge has slight gaps.
To the fashionable office workers, bicycle bags are not only for carrying things, but also personal items. The high-end bicycle bag can make the owner more confident and leisured in any condition. When he rides a bicycle to work, he takes the bike bag down and takes it to the office directly. He can put the computer, paperwork or office materials in it. Also, a cycling backpack is a good choice.
Which one is the most important factor in purchasing a bike bag?
To our research on Amazon, it showed the top 3 factors are purpose, space, and designs.
Suitable Bike Bag- What You Need To Get Started
My friends and I went a cycling trip to Zhejiang in March. It takes one week and we really enjoy the whole journey. Wonderful landscape and delicious food make the journey slow and pleasurably. Before starting the long journey, we packed clothes and daily necessities carefully in the bike travel bag. Then, we packed bike tools and small things into a bike saddlebag. When we install our phone on the bike handlebar bag, we start our journey.